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Through a Foster Carer's Eyes

Discover how our latest campaign reinforces the message that a child’s past doesn’t have to be their future.

February 23 2016 - 2 min read

A story of an ISP foster carer

"When we decided we would like to foster children with ISP, we didn't think that we would meet the criteria due to having a large family of our own. However we soon found out that there is no 'one family fits all' criteria.

Over the years, we have helped children overcome some of the trauma or loss in their lives and raised their self-esteem, confidence and to realise they have dreams and a future. At times it has been difficult emotionally, especially when a child is struggling to make sense of what has happened to them. As a Foster Carer, you evaluate yourself and your practices to ensure that any child feels safe and wanted. You initially think you bring a child into your home and lives to enrich their life but, in reality, they enrich your life and you learn so much from them and also about yourself. In our house, we celebrate all the little things, like a child playing for the first time, to the big things in life!

Our children have grown up with foster children from different backgrounds and whom they may not have necessarily met otherwise. They have learnt to be non-judgemental about people's situations and never judge a book by it's cover. What you see is not what you get with children in care, it's much more than that - as they grow with your family, they become family. Without the support of our children, it wouldn't have worked out so well.

'Ohana' means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten."

If you’d like to learn more about becoming a foster parent or what is foster care, then please get in touch with our friendly team on 0800 0857 989 - we’d love to hear from you.

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