Couple honoured after 16 years of fostering children
Kent couple, Cleve and Nicola Hedges, have dedicated the last 16 years of their lives to fostering over 20 children - from new-born babies right through to older teenagers.

We love recognising the hard work and dedication of our foster carers and always celebrate major milestones.
Kent couple, Cleve and Nicola Hedges, have dedicated the last 16 years of their lives to fostering over 20 children - from new-born babies right through to older teenagers.
The couple have been presented with vouchers and treated to a meal in a local restaurant as a thank you for their dedication and for years of providing a safe home and support to some of the most vulnerable children in society.
Naomi Fox, Registered Manager for ISP Rainham, commented: “Foster carers make a huge difference to the lives of the children and young people we support, so it’s important that we recognise these incredible milestones and thank people like Cleve and Nicola who have made a huge difference to lives of some of the county’s most vulnerable children.
“They have shown such longstanding commitment to changing children and young people's lives for the better and we thank them dearly.”
Cleve commented: ‘‘It’s fantastic to see how the children and young people develop and flourish, we fostered one child for 13 years and they become like your own. Lots of the children are confused and vulnerable when they arrive with us and they need lots of our time and love. It can be a slow process but as long as you’re consistent and honest with them, it is one of the most rewarding things in the world.”
Now in their late 50’s, Cleve and Nicola have no plans for retiring from foster care. They are currently looking after two foster children, along with their three birth children and a young boy who they adopted after he was placed in their care as a new-born.
If you would like to find out more about fostering in Kent or across the UK, joining hundreds of passionate carers like Cleve, call our friendly team on 0800 0857 989 or enquire online today.