Fostering: The Birth Child’s Story
When a person makes the decision to become a foster carer, it is the whole family who are involved in the fostering role.

When a person makes the decision to become a foster carer, it is the whole family who are involved in the fostering role.
The sons and daughters of Foster Carers play a big part in foster care; welcoming children into their home, supporting and caring for them, and being a friend when they need it the most.
This October, to celebrate Sons and Daughters month, we asked the children of our Foster Carers to let us know what fostering is like for them…
Shannon is 15 years old. Her family has been fostering since 2015. Over the past year, they have welcomed three children into their home. Read Shannon’s fostering story:
I think fostering is great. We fostered an 11 year old boy in January and I love having him in our family. Fostering is a brilliant opportunity to get to know what people have gone through and how to help them. The boy we fostered is a great lad, who fits in our family like he has always been here. He used to be shy but he was welcomed into our family and has really come out of his shell. We look out for each other, whether it's in school or out of school. We watch movies, play in the garden and do all kinds of activities. He is doing really well at school.
I love fostering, as it gives me a chance to be able to be myself around people. I would definitely recommend fostering, as it is such an excellent opportunity to help someone. Just think about how happy someone can be if you looked after them, even if it wasn't for long. We have made this young boy one of the happiest boys there could be, just by applying to look after him. He is like family and I love him. I hope there are more people who want to apply to foster, as it is a brilliant thing to do.